Sunday, June 1, 2008

Healthy prostate

The prostate is the seat of the masculinity when a man is young, but a specter of discomfort when he gets old.

It is a male organ made up of smooth muscles that help expel semen during ejaculation and according wikipedia, its main function to store and secrete clear fluid amounting 10% to 30% of seminal fluid.

At birth the prostate is tiny but as levels of testosterone rise during puberty, it grows fast, doubling in size by age 20.

Growth slows down during the next two decades, but not causing problems for many years, but as men grow older, the prostate becomes less friendly, it grows for a second time by age 40.

One in four men between the ages 40 and 50 have an enlarged prostate, while almost half of the men aged between 60 and 90 have the same problem.

According to urologist there is no data on the mortality rate of prostate cancer patiens in the world.

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